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In-House Roasting.

The future of coffee is here...

and Tropical Coffee Roasters

gets you to it


Coffee Roasting Machines

Tropical Coffee Roaster TR-1000
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Choose from our varieties the coffee you desire


Roast it easily and  tirelessly with our 100% automatic coffee roaster


Enjoy, by making a difference!

TR-1000, TR-3000,

The only ones with 120 fully automatic coffee roasting programs that work without an operator

Same roasting quality in every batch

A shop 

full of smell of freshly roasted coffee

5 years warranty

Ideal for coffee shops, bakeries etc., with no special operating license required

TR-1000: roasts

250g-2kg (32kg/8 hours)

TR-3000: roasts

500g-3kg (42kg/8 hours)

TR-6000: roasts

2kg-6kg (100kg/8 hours)

How it works


Tropical Coffee Roasters - Happy Buu Coffee Roasters

Tropical Coffee Roasters - Happy Buu Coffee Roasters
Tropical Coffee Roasters - Happy Buu Coffee Roasters

Tropical Coffee Roasters - Happy Buu Coffee Roasters

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Tropical Coffee Roasters - Palace Hotel Coffee Roasters

Tropical Coffee Roasters - Palace Hotel Coffee Roasters

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Tropical Coffee Roasters - Coffee Maniacs Coffee Roasters

Tropical Coffee Roasters - Coffee Maniacs Coffee Roasters

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Tropical Coffee Roasters - Bonobo Coffee Roasters

Tropical Coffee Roasters - Bonobo Coffee Roasters

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Tropical Coffee Roasters - Nordik Coffee Roasters

Tropical Coffee Roasters - Nordik Coffee Roasters

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How does the automatic Tropical Coffee Roaster work?

How does the automatic Tropical Coffee Roaster work?

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Image by Clint McKoy

Green Coffee

At Tropical Café we supply our customers with single-estate coffees and our own blends (raw coffee). In addition, our customers can create the blend of their choice, which will give their store a distinct identity, roasting it in the TR-1000 machine. You can also find our varieties in the form of roasted coffee, either for consumption in store or for domestic use.


Image by Scott Webb
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BLOG: Honorary distinction "Greek Exports Forum & Awards 2020" at TROPICALCAFE

  • Πού κατασκευάζονται η μηχανές καβουρδίσματος TR-1000, TR-3000 & TR-6000 ; / Where are the TR-1000, TR-3000 & TR-6000 roasting machines manufactured?"
    Η μηχανές καβουρδίσματος TR-1000, TR-3000 & TR-6000 κατασκευάζονται εξ' ολοκλήρου στην Ελλάδα αποκκλειστικά από την εταιρία Tropical Cafe. / The TR-1000, TR-3000 & TR-6000 roasting machines are manufactured entirely in Greece exclusively by Tropical Cafe.
  • Πόσο καφέ μπορεί να καβουρδίσει η TR-1000 ; / How much coffee can the TR-1000 roast?
    Η μηχανή καβουρδίσματος TR-1000 μπορεί να καβουρδίσει 2-4 κιλά καφέ την ώρα, δηλαδή 16-32 κιλά το 8ωρο. / The TR-1000 roasting machine can roast 2-4 kg of coffee per hour, i.e. 16-32 kg per 8 hours.
  • Το αποτέλεσμα του καβουρδίσματος είναι πάντα το ίδιο ; / Is the roasting always the same;
    Το αποτέλεσμα του καβουρδίσματος του καφέ ανά κύκλο καβουρδίσματος παραμένει πάντα το ίδιο, γιατί η TR-1000 διαθέτει αισθητήρες (πχ. υγρασίας ατμόσφαιρας) που με τις συνεχείς μετρήσεις τους εξασφαλίζουν το τέλειο αποτέλεσμα. / The roasting always remains the same, because the TR-1000 has sensors (e.g. atmosphere humidity) that with their continuous measurements ensure the perfect result.
  • Τι γίνεται σε περίπτωση διακοπής ρεύματος κατά την διάρκεια του καβουρδίσματος ; / What happens in the event of a power failure during roasting?
    Σε πιθανή διακοπή ρεύματος, ο καφές δεν πετιέται, αλλά το πρόγραμμα συνεχίζεται από το σημείο που σταμάτησε, μόλις επανέλθει το ρεύμα. / In a possible power outage, the coffee is not tossed, but the program continues from the point where it stopped, once the power comes back on.
  • Χρειάζεται ειδική εγκατάσταση - άδεια ; / Does it need a special installation/license?
    Δεν χρειάζεται ειδική εγκατάσταση / άδεια διότι σας παρέχουμε βεβαίωση κατασκευαστή. / No special installation - license is required because we provide you with a manufacturer's certificate.
  • Σε ποιές άλλες χώρες εξάγεται η μηχανή καβουρδίσματος καφέ TR-1000 ; / In which other countries is the TR-1000 coffee roasting machine exported?
    Η μηχανή καβουρδίσματος καφέ TR-1000 εξάγεται κυρίως στις χώρες τις Ευρώπης με πρωταγωνιστή την γερμανική αγορά. / The TR-1000 coffee roasting machine is mainly exported to the countries of Europe starring the German market.
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